Clinic Appointments

Private Clinical Practice

If you are wanting an appointment to see Dr Raeburn Forbes about a headache or neurological symptom, please phone the Ulster Independent Clinic to book an appointment (02890661212). Private appointments are difficult to obtain due to level of demand.

Dr Forbes profile can be accessed here via BUPA.

What to expect?

Dr Forbes has a reputation for being a listening doctor and will be determined to ensure your symptoms are assessed and managed to the best of his ability.

Getting in Touch

Messages can be left at the Ulster Indepedent Clinic (02890661212). If you have already attended a consultation then you will be able to contact me by email. For most people, following an initial consultation communication will be email based.

Your personal data

We store data only for the purposes of administering a private neurology practice. Your data is not shared, mined or sold. View our data privacy policy.

How much does private consultation cost ?

A new patient appointment, including all administrative work and email contact is £280 (January 2025 prices).

A follow-up appointment, including all administrative work and email contact is £170 (January 2025 prices).

Botulinum Toxin Injections are charged at £150 for the procedure plus drug costs (£350 for 200 units, £180 for 100 units, £100 for 50 units or less) – January 2025 prices. Botox for Chronic Migraine is therefore a total of £500 per treatment.

Occipital Nerve Blocks cost £240 including drug costs – January 2025 prices.

Insurers negotiate their own prices with providers and I will not pursue reimbursement beyond their agreed limits. If you have an excess on your policy your insurer will advise you of this and these will be payable.

How will I receive my bill?

I use the invoicing services of Hythe Hopes Ltd – Tel 01702 382362 – see – you should direct any billing queries to them in the first instance. Hythe Hopes will send you an invoice by post – you should expect to receive a letter about 2-4 weeks after your appointment. Hythe Hopes can accept cheque, debit or credit card and online payments.

What happens if I need tests or scans?

Dr Forbes will request these following your consultation and the scan providers will contact you to book. Once Dr Forbes receives a scan/test report he will email you to invite you to book a follow up appointment to discuss the results.

Will my GP get a report?

Yes, it is normal practice to send a letter to your GP to summarise my opinion and to adviose your GP on any investigations or treatment that is planned. Please note letters can take 1-2 weeks to be sent and your GP may require 1-2 weeks to action any letter received..